TWRAC 015 (11/10/10): Stages of Change in Recovery

This Week’s Recovery Application Challenge

If you have not done so already, please complete TWIRL 015 prior to beginning TWRAC 015.

Stages of Change in Recovery

We may have jumped the gun a bit talking about stages of change in recovery before examining why change needs to occur in the first place. This TWRAC exercise will examine and challenge you to identify who and what needs to change and call you into an ACTION stage of recovery with God’s help, empowered in your relationship with Christ. Jesus, in His life on earth understood that he lacked authority in his flesh as a human being and completely depended on God the Father’s authority to recover in the flesh and empower others toward healing and recovery, and even resurrection. The model Jesus used for recovery is the the following words:

I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. John 5:30

Jesus A, admitted powerlessness without God; B,believed in the authority of God the Father; and C, committed to human recovery under and in the authority of God the Father. As we lay out the 5Ws of change to problem solve, understand that authentic recovery occurs under and in the authority of God through your relationship with Jesus Christ.

The first thing we must do in the process of recovery is to identify the problem. We cannot begin to understand the problem and know why it needs to be resolved until we identify it. That may sound elementary but so many people dealing with depression and hopelessness often end up in that place without a real sense of how they got there. They may realize that they are dissatisfied and uncomfortable, but dissatisfied and uncomfortable with what, and with whom? Why does this thing and that thing, and this person and that person, upset my life? Why am I unhappy? Why am I angry? Why am I jealous? Why don’t I get what I want? Why is it never enough? Why do I care so much? Why don’t I care enough?

Alright, so let’s ask the question:

-What seems to be the problem, generally speaking?

-What problems seem to be common in the lives of individuals and families, generally speaking?

-What are the types of problems you want to solve?

  • In the world
  • In your circumstances
  • In your relationships

-Is there a need for change?

  • Obvious
  • Not so obvious

WHO in your life needs to change?

  • This refers, of course, to the individual seeking recovery but also includes family members, friends, co-workers, the boss, acquaintances, etc.
  • Speaks to the issue that the recovering person lacks the control/authority to change anything without divine assistance.

WHAT needs to change?

  • Refers to everything the recovering person can list that needs to change in his/her life.
  • Behavioral change
  • Attitude change
  • Relationship change
  • Spiritual change

WHY change?

  • This may seem obvious at first but it is an opportunity to help recovering people to more deeply examine the ‘me’dom issues in their lives
  • Addresses how they have been hurt by others in the present and past; and how patterns of ‘me’dom behavior (including co-dependent behavior) have hurt others.
  • Addresses the true need for recovery.
  • Speaks to the purpose and objective of recovery.

WHERE in your life change should occur?

  • An examination of patterns of ‘me’dom behavior occurring in the lives of recovering people
  • Relationships that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.
  • Actual places that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.
  • Events that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.
  • Circumstances that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.
  • Moods and feelings that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.
  • Places in the mind that trigger ‘me’dom thinking and behavior.

WHEN does change happen?

  • This is the identification of the GOAL and OBJECTIVES in the endeavor to change from what I was to what I want to become.
  • What do I look like when these changes occur in my life?
  • What does recovery look like in my life and the life of my family?

5 Ws of Change Application and Challenge

WHO needs to change?

  • For this exercise, keep this personal to you

-WHAT needs to change?

  • List specifically those things that you know require change to improve quality of life

-WHERE does change need to happen?

  • List specifically the places and relationships where recovery needs to occur

-WHY does there need to be change?

  • Not always so obvious; think it through

-WHEN do you know that change is happening?

  • When you are committed to the ACTION of recovery and change, what does recovery in your life look like; what does your recovery look like to others in how they see your life

PRAYER IS THE FIRST ACTION: Now talk to Jesus. Ask Him to empower you into real recovery. Talk to God specifically about each of the 5Ws of change in recovery; asking for His help. If one of the changes you need to enact and experience is to offer and receive forgiveness, pray out loud the specifics about those areas in your life and relationships requiring mercy. Ask God to communicate to your thoughts and feelings pertaining to His plan and purpose for you. Then, pray for wisdom to receive what He is wanting to tell you and show you. Finally, act on what has been revealed to you through prayer and Scripture reading.

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