Empowerment Activities

The FREEdom from MEdom Community is your empowerment resource for interactive lessons and activities to support and promote your recovery God’s way.

TWIRL is “This Week In Recovery Lesson“. It’s objective is to provide the necessary content for discovering truth and learning a strategy for recovery that is actually going to work in a manner that is sustainable for a lifetime. Questions will be asked in the TWIRL activity for participants to respond to privately.

TWRAC (pronounced ‘track’) is “This Week’s Recovery Application Challenge“. It’s objective is to translate the truths and strategies understood from TWIRL into one’s day-to-day life experience. TWRAC is essentially the challenge to apply these discoveries about freedom in recovery through revelation about who you are in relation to who God is. It’s about identifying the lies believed in one’s addiction to self, and coming to believe by experience the truth of who you are in relationship with God and applying that truth in how you live every moment of every day.

Recovery Scripture is a passage of Scripture for you as Community participant that is relevant to the challenge and reward of recovery God’s way that leads to true freedom. Please be encouraged to begin and/or conclude each day of recovery with the written Word of God.

The cost for participating in FFM Community Activities is whatever you choose to pay for it. If you cannot afford to support FFMP financially at this time, we welcome you to fully participate as in the FFM Community. We invite you to commit to support FFMP through prayer and steadfast commitment to your recovery God’s way. If you choose to support the FREEdom from MEdom Project financially, we ask that you choose a monthly or yearly subscription amount, according to what you believe in your heart these Community activities have value for you. However you choose to support FFMP, it is an incredible bargain for a vehicle to freedom in recovery from dissatisfaction that will transform and re-energize your life.

Mostly, we ask that you pray with us as we work to help you to experience peace and joy in your life through the revelation and practice of recovery. Ultimately, it is your level of commitment and active participation in Christ-centered recovery that will lead to the transformative lifestyle change in your experience of a new life.

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