8. Biochemical Warfare: Moral Sabotage

Getting more specific about addictive thinking and behavior, it is necessary to examine how addiction hijacks the brain and mind under the control of the selfish sin nature. The GO system of the brain, with hedonistic impulsive intentions, is on a daily mission to satisfy whatever it craves. It is not overly bold to refer to the impulsive intentions of the GO systems within our brain chemistry as hedonistic. Some of the most respected, moral, and honorable men and women of godly integrity have fallen spell to the hedonistic passions of their sin nature and given in to addictive urges that have undermined their values and led to gross immorality.

This NLX 101 lesson explores the deterioration of values and morality of anyone routinely giving in to urges to participate in addictive selfish sin behavior. This is the appropriate place in the Admit part of this teaching series to examine the issues surrounding sexual and “love” or relationship addiction. Once again, brain activity is considered as the Go systems contribute mightily toward moral sabotage into depravity and deviance. The central point to this examination is to gain understanding into the machinations of the addictive mind and its nature to achieve gratification at the risk of losing everything.

This lesson delves into what King David risked and lost with the intention of helping participants to consider the risks of their selfish sinful pursuits. Questions are asked pertaining to the message within Proverbs 7 in order to challenge participants to be mindful of how “innocent” flirtations with immorality can lead to devastating consequences. Even though it might appear obvious that the risk is to great with much more to lose than gain by indulging in deviant addictive behavior, it becomes an intense dilemma that all too often gives way to unhealthy choices and behaviors that in the end destroy families. When considering the truth of James 1:14-15, it becomes clear that once desire is entertained, the process of giving way to sin is automatic, requiring the Savior’s intervention.

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