More Religion?

If you are exploring FFMP and thinking, “Here we go again, more religion…  It always comes back to religion…”, I am asking you to consider what you need for your life to be better and how that’s going to happen. Even Jesus had his run-ins with religion and the leaders of his day. Religious leaders, called Pharisees, did more than anyone to interrupt what Jesus was working to do; and to distract those who were interested in something better for their life. Jesus was extremely critical of the institution of religion while he took up residence in and around Jerusalem, the hub of organized religion. I am asking that you continue to explore what we have provided for you here, and think relationship. The key to accessing the power that is central to the freedom experience is in relationship with God, not more religion. God is compassionate and merciful. Ask God to show Himself to you—to prove to you that He is real, according to the substance in the evidence, so that you can experience faith confidently, trusting in what and who you know. For many of you, your lives depend on it.

Some of you will struggle with the truth in FREEdom from MEdom because it’s “too religious”. It will be difficult to realize what is truth versus the lies you may have come to believe about God and Jesus Christ based on past religious experiences. Religion is defined as “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe… usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs… the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices” according to Outside of relationship with God, the ABC recovery steps of FREEdom from MEdom, the twelve steps, and any other structured routines for recovery are mere religion without real power. The more one secularizes steps to recovery the more he or she by definition is being religious, rather than authentically spiritual.

God is merciful and loves you. Jesus was born and lived for real. Jesus is not a fictional or mythical character. The Bible is not merely a story book. Historical evidence of the life and death of Jesus is not up for dispute. Even the empty tomb is historically accurate. The only thing in question is how the tomb got empty; stolen body or resurrection? The fact that Christ’s followers feared for their lives prior to the resurrection, then risked everything they held dear and important, including their livelihood, is documented history. The truth of Jesus Christ is revealed, not only in the Bible, but also in history. Most importantly, the truth of Jesus Christ is revealed in the empowered lives of people who have come to depend on Him as a matter of common sense since the veil of who He is and what He can do for them and in them has been removed. 

Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up… We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God… The Deceiver of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:1-4

Whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away… For wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:16-17

(When the Google Ad pops up in the “Revelation” video, click on the ‘x’ to close the Ad)

Oh, one more thing. If you are reading this and you’re not sure how to identify with, or relate to God—after all, He is a big God—simply try to talking to God, out loud if you can, and let Him know what you are thinking and feeling. Tell Him what your issues are with Him. Tell Him why faith is difficult for you. Pray for revelation of truth; not just “truth” as you might want to receive it through a preconceived lens, but the real truth of who God is. Then trust Him to reveal His truth to you. Remember that truth is truth whether you are sure about it or not; whether you believe it or not. I believe with all of my heart that if you are open to receiving God’s truth as it is, that at the very least, you will come to see God as beautiful; and at the most, this revelation will only be the beginning of the marvelous experience about to come your way.

We hope and pray that you will find the resources and opportunities offered here both attractive and compelling as you discover and examine powerful truth that makes perfect sense, and experience by faith the transforming work of God in your life. We believe from the bottom of our hearts that as you invest in what God can and will do in you, that you will move from that place of dissatisfaction into the reality of a satisfied mind. We pray that you will turn onto the avenue for recovery and continue on until entering into the true experience of FREEdom from MEdom.


NOTE: References made on this website to individuals are done so with their permission to publish their stories. Their names have been changed.

* Beatles: Let It Be; **Argent: Hold Your Head Up; “Faith is an ocean you can walk on” by Dime Store Prophets, Love is Against the Grain
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