Eating Disorder Self-Test

>> Please be advised, we are not professionals in assessing eating disorders.

For yourself or someone you know, rate the following questions:

1-Often  2-Sometimes  3-Rarely  4-Never

  1. _____ I feel proud of my thinness.
  2. _____ I weigh myself often.
  3. _____ I have fasted.
  4. _____ I fear becoming fat.
  5. _____ I feel fat, even though friends and family say I’m not.
  6. _____ I feel the need to exercise every day.
  7. _____ I enjoy preparing meals for others but eat little myself.
  8. _____ I’ve eaten in binges. (A lot at one time very quickly)
  9. _____ I like and anticipate eating alone.
  10. _____ I eat even when I’m not hungry.
  11. _____ I eat sensibly in front of others but not when I’m alone.
  12. _____ I’ve made repeated attempts to diet or restrict my eating.
  13. _____ I feel self-conscious or embarrassed about my eating behaviors.
  14. _____ I sneak food when no one’s around.
  15. _____ I have lied about the amount of food I eat.
  16. _____ I have vomited/made myself vomit after eating or binge-eating.
  17. _____ I have used laxative, diet pills, appetite suppressants or diuretics to control my weight.
  18. _____ I panic if I gain a couple of pounds.
  19. _____ I think about food frequently, deciding to eat or not eat.
  20. _____ I feel out of control when eating or binge-eating.
  21. _____ I often feel depressed or anxious after eating.
  22. _____ I eat more when I’m upset or under stress.
  • 42 +: Average attitudes toward eating, weight and body image.
  • 41 – 23: There may be an eating disorder problem starting.
  • 22 or less: There is a strong possibility of an eating disorder.

Self-test source: Caring

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