Spending/Shopping Addiction Survey

Shulman Center 20 Question Assessment

  1. Have you ever lost time from work or school due to shopping/spending?
  2. Has shopping/spending ever created problems in your relationships?
  3. Has shopping/spending ever affected your reputation or people’s opinion of you?
  4. Have you ever felt guilt, shame, or remorse after shopping/spending?
  5. Do you have trouble with debt or paying your bills?
  6. Did shopping/spending ever cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency?
  7. Did you ever experience a “high” or “rush” of excitement when you shop or spend?
  8. Have you ever shopped/spent to escape worries?
  9. Has shopping/spending caused you to have difficulty eating or sleeping?
  10. Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create an urge to shop or spend?
  11. Have you noticed you began shopping or spending more frequently over time?
  12. Have you ever considered self-destruction or suicide as a result of your shopping/spending?
  13. Upon stopping over-shopping or overspending did you continue to be tempted/preoccupied by it?
  14. Have you kept your shopping/spending a secret from most of those you are close to?
  15. Have you told yourself “this is my last time” and still over-shopped or overspent?
  16. Have you continued to shop or spend despite having been had legal issues such as bankruptcy or divorce?
  17. Do you often feel a need for control or tend toward perfectionism?
  18. Do you have issues with clutter or hoarding the items you’ve purchased?
  19. Have you purchased items that you’ve never if rarely even used?
  20. Do you have trouble speaking up for yourself, asking for help, or saying “no”?

Most compulsive shoppers or spenders will answer yes to at least seven (7) of these shopping addiction quiz questions.

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